The SIGPLAN Professional Activities Committee

Are you a student who is a presenter or co-author of a paper, but need money to attend the conference? The SIGPLAN Professional Activities Committee (PAC) provides support to help advance professional goals such as these. Even if you are not a SIGPLAN member, you can apply – as long as the event you are participating in is sponsored by SIGPLAN, you are a member of ACM, and your advisor is a member of SIGPLAN.

This website is only for students, the application process for professional members is explained here:

We expect you to apply for these funds only when you would not be able to attend the meeting otherwise. Applications will be evaluated on a first-come, first-served basis. PAC expects to fund applications for the following activities:

  • A one-year SIGPLAN membership for ACM students that are currently not SIGPLAN members.
  • Registration fees and shared accommodation expenses for student attendance at a SIGPLAN sponsored conference where the applicant is to present a paper, is co-author of a paper on the program, or is participating in a student poster session. PAC expects institutions to share costs in the funding of students.
  • Any other activity deemed appropriate by the committee.

Please note that the ACM Student Research Competition is not a SIGPLAN sponsored event. Furthermore, sometimes a non-SIGPLAN conference is co-located with a SIGPLAN conference. Only SIGPLAN sponsored events are eligible for PAC funding.

Create a new account or use a previously created account if you want to apply for funding.

Accounts that are not used to apply for funding within 100 days after the account creation are automatically deleted.

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